Is Myrrh Safe For Cats?

Is Myrrh Safe For Cats?

Whether you love history and religion or simply enjoy reading about medicinal plants, you have probably come across myrrh. This powerful plant extract has been around for millennia. In the times of Jesus, it was among the precious gifts given to kings. In ancient times, humans used it to treat a wide range of diseases. … Read more

Are Male or Female Cats Better Indoors?

From breed to color to size and gender, there are so many decisions to make as a prospective new cat parent. While it may seem insignificant, the sex of your new pet is a pretty big deal. Sure, both male and female cats make great companions but they are different in many ways—temperament, character traits, … Read more

Is Frankincense Safe For Cats?

Is Frankincense Safe For Cats?

Essential oils have been gaining popularity over the recent past for good reasons. These aromatic compounds are associated with many health benefits to humans, including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and mood-boosting properties among others. While their adoption is widespread, information about their safety effects is still sparse and contradictory. This is particularly true when it comes to … Read more

Why Is My Kitten Shaking After Eating?

Why Is My Kitten Shaking After Eating?

Whether you are a novice or experienced cat parent, caring for a kitten is a tall order. Like a newborn baby, a kitten is delicate, unpredictable, and mysterious. Half the time, you don’t know what is normal and what is not. When she purrs too much, you will imagine she’s sick. If she stops purring … Read more

Are Febreze plug-ins safe for cats?

Are Febreze plug-ins safe for cats?

Cats are lovely members of the family. Snuggling next to one after a long day at work feels more fulfilling than most things in life. Petting her velvety fur and watching her enjoy it is deeply relaxing. Petting has actually been shown to release oxytocin (the love hormone) in pet lovers.  Owning a feline friend … Read more

What Are The Chances Of Finding A Lost Cat?

My Cat Come to Me When I Cry

According to a study published on the NCBI website, 15% of owners lose their pet not less than once over five years. Considering that 30% of American homes own a cat, it shows that many of our feline friends tend to leave the home and get lost. Losing a cat is devastating for any pet … Read more

Why Is My Cat So Big?

Why Is My Cat So Big?

Before the domestication of cats, feline obesity was not a common occurrence. These days, fat cats are everywhere. According to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 50% of cats seen in vet clinics are probably overweight or worse, obese. Other reports put this figure between 11.5% and 63%. Obese cats are so prevalent presently that … Read more

Is Bergamot Safe For Cats?

Is Bergamot Safe For Cats?

The versatile fragrance of bergamot has been enchanting essential oil enthusiasts for centuries. It is one of the most popular essential oils globally, courtesy of its wide range of healing properties, including: It has potent antibacterial and disinfectant properties, making it an effective deodorant. Its aroma is believed to sooth nerves and reduce anxiety It … Read more

Is Thieves oil safe for cats?

Is Thieves oil safe for cats?

Thieves oil is a rich and spicy blend of various essential oils. It has potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antioxidant, and anti-fungi properties. It is not surprising, then, that you may want your kitty to enjoy these perceived benefits of this amazing essential oil. However well-intentioned your plan might be, it is judicious to understand the facts … Read more

How Much Do Kittens Sleep? (Complete Guide)

If you have never owned a cat before, you might find it strange that your cat is sleeping too much. But this is how cats are wired—even adult cats spend most of their day asleep. At the point of birth, kittens will spend 90% of their day asleep. That translates to anything from 20-22 hours … Read more