How Long Does It Take For A Kitten To Get Used To You?

How Long Does It Take For A Kitten To Get Used To You?

If Petpedia stats are anything to go by, 42.7 of million American households owned at least one cat in 2020. Approximately 1.6 million cats are adopted by cat lovers every year. The United States loves their feline friends so deeply. Compared to adult cats, kittens are fast-moving. Many people prefer them to adult kitties for … Read more

Do Cats Back Claws Retract?

Anyone who has spent some time around cats knows about their sharp claws. However, the claws on their front limbs are almost always hidden. But upon sensing danger, or when hunting prey, the cat’s claws will be exposed in readiness for the fight. By retracting their claws, the cats will move stealthily which is one … Read more

How Much Water To Syringe Feed A Cat?

How Much Water To Syringe Feed A Cat?

According to a research done by the Applied Physiology of Body Fluids of Cats and Dogs, 60-80% of a cat’s body is made of water. The actual figure depends on the kitty’s age, body composition, and sex. These stats only mean one thing: cats need plenty of water for survival, like all many other animals … Read more

Can Cats Roll Their Eyes?

Can Cats Roll Their Eyes?

Every cat owner knows the importance of interpreting every meow because they have distinct messages.  And just like meows, cats use their eyes to communicate with their humans too. From squinting to blinking, every eye movement has a coded message. So, can cats roll their eyes? Cats are like humans in the sense that they … Read more

Do Cats have Clavicles?

Do Cats have Clavicles?

Cats are as beautiful as they are mysterious. Ever witnessed your furball flex his muscles through a narrow space or watched as he zipped across the room and landed on his feet without breaking a bone? How about the time he arched his back so far that made you stare in bewilderment? Every day, these … Read more

Do Cats Have Bones In Their Tails?

Do Cats Have Bones In Their Tails?

The tail is one of the most striking physical features of a kitty. It’s bushy, long, and, flexible. When the cat is happy, it is raised high with a quiver at the end. If there’s danger around, the tail is lashed back and forth. If the kitty is stalking prey, her appendage will remain low … Read more

Can A Cat Outrun A Coyote?

Can A Cat Outrun A Coyote?

There is a saying that dogs are marathoners but cats are sprinters. That said, Coyotes are especially fast and can easily outrun any cat. On average, a cat can do 29.8 miles per hour while coyotes do an average of 38.5 miles per hour. By that standard alone, it is clear that a cat cannot … Read more

How much honey should you give a hypoglycemic cat?

How much honey should you give a hypoglycemic cat?

Hypoglycemia is one of those things that pet parents don’t like to think about. Although it is common with diabetic cats, it can happen to pretty much any feline. From too much vomiting to loss of appetite to high insulin doses, there are many hypoglycemia triggers in cats. Sadly, when blood sugar drops too low, … Read more

Are All Tailless Cats Manx?

Are All Tailless Cats Manx?

A cat’s tail does more for your kitty more than you’ll ever know. For one, it’s a communication tool. He raises it up in the sky as a way to greet you. When he sways it side by side in fast clicks, it means he is about to pounce on something. You know your fur … Read more

Is Vanilla Essential Oil Safe For Cats?

Is Vanilla Essential Oil Safe For Cats?

Essential oils find many uses in the home these days. They have great medicinal benefits for a plethora of diseases and illnesses. From promoting healthy sleep to alleviating pain and relieving headaches, essential oils can do them all.  They are also utilized in cleaning agents and sprays for their disinfecting and aromatic properties respectively. Unfortunately, … Read more