Cats are beautiful animals. There are many different cat breeds, and each is distinct in the coat, eyes, body shape, and behavior.
There are several cat breeds with yellow or amber eyes, which really stand out. This is particularly true in cats with solid, dark-colored fur.
While some of the cat breeds with yellow or amber eyes are common breeds, some are very rare.
Cats are born with yellow eyes because there is a medium amount of highly active melanocytes. Cats with yellow eyes have less active melanocytes.
Without further ado, here is a quick overview of the top 8 grey cat breeds with yellow eyes:
1. The Bengal

The Bengal cat has beautiful yellow eyes, and it is a hybrid breed created when an Egyptian Mau and an Asian leopard cat were bred.
They have a coat similar to a leopard’s, which is where they got their name.
The Bengal’s coat can have spots, arrowheads, or rosette markings. The coat can also be grey marbled.
Their yellow eyes really stand out, which makes this breed even more fascinating.
The Bengal cat is a very energetic breed, and they need lots of time to play and exercise.
If you live in a small home, this might not be the best cat for you.
They spend their days running and playing with toys that encourage active play. Many Bengal cats love to play fetch and even play in the water.
The Bengal cat is larger than most other breeds, and they have very muscular bodies.
If you live in New York City or Hawaii, you shouldn’t consider getting a Bengal cat because owning one is prohibited by law.
Other states have limits regarding ownership, including:
- Washington
- Colorado
- Georgia
- Massachusetts
- Delaware
- Connecticut
- Indiana
Related Post: Owning a Marbled Bengal Cat: A Comprehensive Guide
2. American Shorthair Cat

The American Shorthair cat is one of the most common breeds of house cats.
The name wasn’t created until 1966. It was given the name to distinguish it from other domestic shorthaired cats.
The most common type is the Silver tabby, but they also come in various colors, including grey and patterns.
These cats have unique yellow eyes, which really makes them stand out.
This breed is very independent, but they are also lovable, and they are very good with children.
The American Shorthair is great with dogs, but they don’t do well with birds and smaller animals. This is because this breed has strong hunting instincts, which can put smaller animals in danger.
It isn’t uncommon to find a dead bird or a mouse on the front porch. The American Shorthair will kill their prey and leave it on the porch as a gift for you.
These cats need exercise, but they tend to be more lazy than active.
3. The Manx

The Manx cat is a domestic breed with yellow eyes and a naturally occurring mutation, which causes the cat to have a shorter tail.
Most of these cats have just a small stub, and some have no tail at all.
The Manx’s fur comes in a variety of colors, including grey and many different patterns.
All white Manx cats are gorgeous, but they are very rare.
The Manx are very skilled hunters. Years ago, they were common ship cats because they would hunt and kill any rodents on the ships.
They are also popular with farmers and people who live in rural areas, where field mice are plentiful.
This breed is very social and becomes very attached to their human families; however, they tend to be shy around strangers.
They are very intelligent and playful, and many people who have a Manx claim that they behave similarly to dogs.
These cats love to play fetch; they follow their owners around and can learn simple commands.
When the Manx cat runs, they use their rear legs along with their front legs to run faster. When you see a Manx cat running, it is similar to the way a rabbit runs.
Related Post: Are All Tailless Cats Manx?
4. LaPerm

This is one cat whose exact creation history goes back to one cat in particular.
In 1982, a brown tabby cat named Speedy had a litter of kittens in The Dalles, Oregon.
One of the kittens was born bald with tabby markings. Her ears were large and spaced very wide apart, making her look completely different than her siblings.
When the coat started to grow in, her fur was curly, and this is where her owner, Linda Loehi, got the name. Curly also had distinctive yellow eyes.
Later, Curly had her own litter of kittens, conceived with a variety of male cats in the area, including a Manx and a Siamese. Each of the kittens in the litter had their mother’s curly coats.
The breed was given the name LaPerm because when a person gets their hair chemically curled, it is called a perm. They come in many different colors, and grey is common.
These cats are brilliant and mischievous. They can use their paws to open doors and cabinets so that they can get into just about anything.
If the LaPerm wants attention, they will tap your shoulder and follow you around.
The LaPerm rarely meows. They are very affectionate and gentle. As long as this cat was socialized as a kitten, they will welcome visitors into the home.
The LaPerm can be short-haired or long-haired, and both types need regular grooming to prevent tangles.
This is a relatively rare breed, and they make a great addition to any family.
5. The Chartreux

This is a very unique breed that is very popular in Europe. They are one of the oldest breeds and originated in the Middle East.
These cats have blue-green coats and striking yellow eyes. They are very strong and muscular and have wedge-shaped heads.
The Chartreux is very intelligent and very sociable. They get very attached to their owners and love to play and be stroked.
The Chartreux is a very quiet breed. You will rarely hear your cat make a sound unless they are purring to let you know that they are happy. Unless the Chartreux is angry or feels threatened, they won’t meow.
These cats are brilliant and active. They require plenty of space to play and toys that will challenge them.
They love to be on the lookout, so a bed perched up high is ideal.
6. The Sphynx

This is a very distinctive breed characterized by its lack of fur.
The hairlessness occurs because of a naturally occurring genetic mutation. This breed was created in the 1960s through selective breeding.
The skin of a Sphynx feels similar to chamois leather, and some have very fine hair, while others have no hair at all.
This cat has markings on their skin, which is similar to what you would see if they had fur, and come in many different colors, including grey. These cats often have striking yellow or green eyes.
Because the Sphynx has no fur, they tend to lose body heat quickly, which causes them to get cold easily.
Because of this, the Sphynx should only be indoor cats. On frigid days, your cat might need a sweater to stay warm.
The Sphynx has a lot of energy, and they are very intelligent.
They often crave affection from their owners and will greet you at the door when you come home.
They tend to be very friendly with strangers as long as they have been socialized as kittens.
Because this breed has no fur to absorb their body oils, you will need to bathe her every week or two to remove the oil from their skin.
The Sphynx makes a great pet if you have allergies to cat fur since they don’t have any.
Related Post: Donskoy vs Sphynx-What’s The Difference?
7. Norwegian Forest Cat

This breed is a domestic cat that originated in Northern Europe.
The breed is great in cold weather because it has two layers of fur. The first is a glossy topcoat, which is long and allows water to bead off.
The lower layer is woolly and provides insulation.
The coat colors vary, and solid grey or grey markings are common. They have striking green or yellow eyes, which make them look very unique.
This breed is large and very strong. It has long legs, a sturdy body, and a bushy tail. They have strong claws, which makes them excellent climbers.
Norwegian Forest cats are brilliant, friendly, and great with people. This makes this breed an excellent family cat.
The breed loves to get in the middle of your family business, and love to play games a lot.
This breed also loves to hunt and climb, and loves the outdoors so much. They can also adapt to indoor life well.
This breed’s optimal lifestyle is spending their days outdoors and their nights snuggling up inside with their owners.
If you are going to allow your cat outdoors, it is best to have them microchipped just in case they wander too far from home.
8. The Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a gray cat with yellow eyes and green rims.
As the cat gets older, the green tends to become more prominent. These cats often have no pattern, and some have barely noticeable and very faint stripes.
The Russian Blue is a very loyal cat with a sweet temper. They get very attached to their owners and will greet you at the door when you arrive home.
Although the Russian Blue is very sociable, they also like their alone time. It is not uncommon for this breed to seek out a quiet place to relax where they won’t be disturbed.
If you are going to adopt a Russian Blue, make sure they have plenty of toys that provide mental stimulation to keep them entertained.
Make sure that some toys can be played solo, and some you can play together.
These cats do well with children and other pets, which makes them great family cats.
Final Thoughts
Every cat is unique. Although some cats can have similar coats or similar yellow eyes, they all have different personalities.
If you fancy grey cat breeds with yellow eyes and want to own one, the above-highlighted breeds should be a good starting point.

Hi! I am Eleanor Price. I started this website after my cat, Louie, almost died from a case of botulism (a type of food poisoning often caused by bacteria that grow on food items). Turned out that my cat’s diet was the problem. I have made it my duty to provide the best information and recommendations about everything cat lovers need to know about their felines’ health and wellbeing. My goal is to find the most informative content on anything feline-related and share it with fellow hardworking kitty lovers.