Can Cats Get Turned On By Humans?

Can Cats Get Turned On By Humans?

The subject of feline sexuality is one with a lot of mystery surrounding it. As a pet owner, you have probably witnessed the most fascinating, concerning, and bizarre stunts from your beloved pet. This is especially true if she is not fixed. When she is on heat, some of her actions will drive you bonkers. … Read more

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Husband’s Side Of The Bed?

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Husband's Side Of The Bed?

Cats are always a delight and unless you are allergic, their companionship and playful spirit will lighten your mood and keep you in good moods. But like all other pets, cats have their quirks that can easily get on your nerves—like when a cat starts peeing on your husband’s side of the bed.  So, what … Read more

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Bed When In Heat?

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Bed When In Heat?

When a cat is on heat, she could pee in all the wrong places—including your bed. As soon as she is no longer on heat, the cat will go back to peeing in the litter box as usual. So why exactly does this happen? In this article, we seek to unravel this mystery. The following … Read more

When Can A Kitten Sleep In Your Bed?

Kittens are some of the cutest, fluffiest, and cuddliest creatures on earth. Sleeping next to one is among the best feelings ever. Bill Fish of Tuck claims that sleeping with your cat offers a sense of emotional and physical security for both you and the pet. He goes on to say that it also relieves … Read more

Can You Put A Dead Cat In The Bin?

Coming face to face with a dead animal isn’t something humans like to talk about. Besides the deep emotion attached to death, dealing with the body is another difficult thing to contend with. Unfortunately, sometimes you find yourself in this quagmire. Perhaps your beloved cat died at home or you came across a dead stray … Read more

Why Is My Cat Pulling Out Fur At Base Of Tail?

Why Is My Cat Pulling Out Fur At Base Of Tail

If statistics by Cornell Feline Health Center is anything to go by, cats spend 30-50% of their day grooming themselves. If self-cleaning was removed from the feline equation, cats would be miserable. Kitties groom to stay clean, protect themselves from predators, cool down, relieve itchiness, distress, improve blood flow, and keep their fur in good … Read more

Why Does My Cat Chatter At Me?

Cats are not only cute but they produce some of the cutest sounds ever. As kids, many of us were taught that kitties only meow. Now that we have grown up, we’ve realized that felines can do so much more. They can purr, chirp, yowl, growl, hiss, and even chatter. Each one carries a specific … Read more

How Long After Kittens Are Born Can You Give Them Away?

Cats are some of the most fertile species in Kingdom Animalia. Not only do they reach sexual maturity early (from four months old) but they get into estrus multiple times a year. Even after getting kittens, your female kitty can go into heat 4-5 weeks later, and if she mates, she can get kittens. On … Read more

Do Cats Eat Their Kittens If You Touch Them?

You’ve probably heard the horror of a mother cat eating her young. As human beings, the thought of devouring your own child is simply unfathomable. So, when you hear felines doing that and moving on as if nothing happened, you cringe. Well, in the wild, mother cats eat their kittens. Sometimes, they eat one in … Read more

How Long Does It Take For A Malnourished Cat To Gain Weight?

How Long Does It Take For A Malnourished Cat To Gain Weight

As a cat lover, nothing breaks your heart into a million pieces than seeing a super skinny feral kitty out there in the cold. You don’t need anyone telling you that the cat is malnourished and needs your help. Without thinking twice, you bring the kitty back home with you hoping to care for him. … Read more