My Cat Eats Grass but Doesn’t throw Up: Should I worry?

Grass-eating behavior in cats is quite common. You have probably walked in on your feline friend chomping on your backyard grass once or twice. In the feline world, it is believed that cats eat grass when they have a tummy upset. Since grass has plenty of fiber, it will boost digestion in the gut making … Read more

Why do Cats like Sponges?

Why do Cats like Sponges?

You walk home with a stock of fresh new dish sponges. When it’s time to clean the dishes, none of the sponges is in sight. Did a family member hide them somewhere? Perhaps you forgot to pick up the pack from the counter at the grocery store. All the efforts of trying to locate the … Read more

How to Tell If Cat Mating Was Successful

You have been planning to have your female cat spayed but you haven’t come around to having the task done. Now, you have reason to believe that she might be pregnant. Perhaps you caught her mating with the neighbor’s male cat. Maybe her behavior has changed so much that you are almost sure that your … Read more

Why Does My Cat Nuzzle My Hair?

Why Does My Cat Nuzzle My Hair?

Cats are full of surprises. When you think you’ve figured your kitty inside out, he does something that blows your mind again. Take nuzzling your hair. Not many pet parents expect this behavior from their feline buddies. A majority are taken by surprise when their charming kitty walks up to them and gently pushes their … Read more

Cat Sleeping With Head Down: Should You Be Worried?

Cat Sleeping With Head Down

From lying flat on their backs to curling up like balls and sleeping with the head facing the floor, cats can sleep in virtually any position. These gorgeous little creatures are so flexible, peaceful, and content during naptime and life in general. If you’ve ever walked in on your cat sleeping on the belly with … Read more

Inbred Cats: Everything You Need to Know

Inbred Cats

Inbreeding is a term thrown around in canine circles a lot. In a bid to give rise to dogs with desired and predictable physical qualities and behavior, some breeders practice inbreeding. Turns out, the bug has bitten cat breeders as well. These days, inbred cats are everywhere. The rules of inbreeding of cats are not … Read more

12 Best Flopping Fish Cat Toys

Cats are hunting buffs. They love to stalk and catch prey every chance they get. Among their diverse ways of catching prey in the wild, hunting fish by the riverside is one of their favorites. Cat product manufacturers understand this too well and have come up with flopping fish cat toys that resemble real fish … Read more

Can Cats Chew on Dog Bones?

Can Cats Chew on Dog Bones?

Like dogs, cats have a natural instinct to chew. Well, the behavior is not as intense in felines but it’s not uncommon as well. In the wild, these little creatures have to hunt for food. Once they catch it, they will kill it and disassemble it into smaller bits. There’s a lot of chewing involved … Read more

5 Best Motion Activated Laser Cat Toys

Best Motion Activated Laser Cat Toy

Entertaining a kitty is no mean feat. Sometimes you try to offer normal pet toys but those end up being totally ignored. He may try to touch and sniff them a little before moving on to other things. To really catch his attention, try getting him a laser toy. Designed to move from place to … Read more

Why Doesn’t My Cat Chase a Laser Pointer?

Why Doesn't My Cat Chase a Laser Pointer

Cats are hardwired to chase after moving objects. The minute they see something move, their little brains process that as prey. Consequently, they cannot resist going after it with everything they have. Laser toys are designed with this in mind. When your kitty sees that tiny wiggly beam of light moving across the room, nothing … Read more